Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Spring detox, moving house and other madness

I've been incredibly busy over the past month which has left me with zero time to attempt to create any new, exciting dishes. But I'm still here and still food obsessed.
However due to my new 10 day detox I'm pretty sure none of the food I'm eating right now is blog worthy. On the plus side however, we all know that when you quit smoking (hence the detox), you free up a lot of spare time for eating, which in my case meanings baking.. then eating. Therefore, bake, blog, eat, you shall we hearing a lot from me very shortly. But hey, healthy lungs and a big bum is better than being a smoker right...?
I'm in currently in the process of moving house over the next 2 weeks, I'm down grading to the worlds tiniest kitchen (I'm not kidding, I will blog up a photo shortly), in exchange for a big sunny bedroom.
Whether this is a worthy switch, we will soon find out.

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