Firstly, before we become friends, I guess I should introduce myself.
I'm Katy, I'm from New Zealand and at the moment I am in Europe.
I became vegetarian by accident, Really, I did. It wasn't as if one night I just fell asleep in a big mac induced coma and awoke a happy vegetarian, nor did I have a particular moment where I decided " OK Katy, this is it, the last steak... tomorrow you're going green". There was no revolting documentary or a cute lamb wearing a pink bow that made me change my mind.
I really just slipped into it over the course of a few months, then went "Oh, well I guess I'm vegetarian."
Then I went vegan. Because once I realised the reasons for being vegetarian (yes, I was aware of them, but I wasn't really aware of them), I realised there was absolutely no way I couldn't be vegan.
It was possibly just after that, that I became food obsessed.
Who knew there was so much incredible, delicious vegan food you can eat?!
Don't vegans just eat carrots and end up skinny and pale? Heck no we don't.
The problem is just knowing how or where to find this food. And so, some how, my travels have became about finding the ultimate vegan feed. Which if any of you vegans out there have been to Europe, you will know this can be a tiny bit tricky.
So I've composed a blog to help you find all the awesome little places that Europe has tucked away that are brilliant for veggie loving people such as yourselves.
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