Monday 6 May 2013

Eat Organic, Fuck Monsanto

On the 25th May there will be demonstrations all over the world called March Against Monsanto. 

I'm organising the demonstration in Glasgow, and in the past few weeks I've been talking to people about what I'm doing and it's amazed me just how many people haven't heard of one of the world most evil corporations, Monsanto, and all the awful things they've done. People don't know about Genetically modified foods (GMOs) or the importance of eating organic, both for your health and for the environment.
Some things are just as important as being vegan, or maybe even more, and eating organic and saying no to GMOs, is one of those things.

Just remember every time you make a purchase you're making a vote.

1 comment:

  1. Go Katy and am enjoying the 'new' BLOG.
    mucho enjoyment
